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Spring @KafkaListener testcontainers

I ran into a problem when creating a test for a script with @KafkaListener. We need to test that we receive a message from Kafka to this particular Listener. Unfortunately, I did not fully understand ...
Guinnesss's user avatar
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Is it possible to achieve setup/teardown with b.RunParallel() as is with b.Run()?

For benchmarks that need setup, I use b.Run() func to achieve setup teardown, as per docs A benchmark that calls Run at least once will not be measured itself and will be called once with N=1. So ...
Sapan Vashishth's user avatar
-4 votes
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Need a AI model to generate the testcases for Automation..Input is testcase scenario. Whats the best AI model to achieve this without openAI [closed]

I am looking to develop or integrate an AI/ML model within a Node.js or npm environment that can automatically generate detailed test cases. The model should take in both test data and predefined ...
pakki harish's user avatar
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Using thiserror with [transparent], how do I assert an Error using its original type?

The problem I'm using thiserror crate to produce a library. Say I have some code in module A that can generate a range of errors: #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] pub enum InvalidGeometryError { ...
thclark's user avatar
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My jest test keeps failing and I can't understand why

This test is keeps failing with a zero call result from jest. I have no idea why this keeps happening like: Number of calls: 0Jest " " it("should log game data on console", async ...
kallmekye's user avatar
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Mock being ignored, jest node

I'm trying mock a database with this test but the mock seems to be ignored. I can't think of a reason this could be? import { jest } from '@jest/globals'; jest.mock('../database', () => ({ ...
Ed Lynch's user avatar
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Select mock file to use based on the running Karate Scenario

I'm using Karate 1.4.0 I have some Karate Scenarios to test my application and I'm using a Karate MockServer as mocked downstream service. To simulate edge case scenarios (e.g. empty results from ...
Luca Pelosi's user avatar
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Why is my checkout transaction on Moneris Gateway Merchant Resource Center missing transaction details?

I was "testing a solution" in Moneris checkout preload page (test mode) to make sure all situations (fail/error/success) were handled. However, I tried so many times, the transactions were ...
bulby92's user avatar
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Full MC/DC Coverage [closed]

Given the following decision: IF X < 5 OR Y > 10 THEN Which of the following sets of test inputs will achieve full MC/DC coverage? A. X=4 and Y=7 X=6 and Y=12 X=5 and Y=10 B. X=4 and Y=11 X=7 ...
Nial QA's user avatar
-1 votes
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Multiple condition coverage?

Given the following decision: IF X < 5 OR Y > 10 THEN and the following test inputs: X=6 and Y=12, X=5 and Y=10 , which of the following additional sets of test inputs will ensure that full ...
Nial QA's user avatar
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Dependency (upstream) services are undefined with no useful error when doing e2e testing using Jest

This is in NestJs, using Jest. I am trying to test my controller, which relies on my "main" service. I wish to perform e2e testing on the controller. (To clarify, my smaller unit tests of ...
Raddaya's user avatar
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HikariCP Connection Pool Exhaustion with Testcontainers and Spring Boot when Building with Gradle

I am using Testcontainers with Spring Boot for integration testing in my project, but I'm facing an issue where the HikariCP connection pool becomes exhausted, leading to Connection is not available, ...
이신지's user avatar
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Cypress Test for Mocking User Login [closed]

I created a URL Shortening application using TypeScript, Next.js, Supabase for the backend, that allows users to login and shorten a url. for my database, i used supabase to store my users and i used ...
Innocent Victor Mark's user avatar
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Share DbContext in Integration Testing

For making my integration tests I am using TestContainer package (SQL Server). I also have a BaseWebApplicationTest class to share some properties like HttpClient and AppDbContext. This is my ...
Skeytor's user avatar
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Accelq - How to write a loop to click on next button if a element is not in page

I have to click on an element which is located in 15th page by clicking on next page button from page 1 in a web table. How can I write a loop on to find the element in each page , if not found in ...
Sandhya Devi's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Chrome Version 128.0.6613.85 Web driver issue

I have chrome browser of Version 128.0.6613.85 and i want to download the correct webdriver for it. I checked the official webdriver website but i can't find the correct version for it. i want the ...
haarish raj's user avatar
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Getting "Unhandled endpoint" error while trying test scenarios on appium for iOS and Timeout error for Android

I am trying to run my test scenarios on iOS as well as on Android but all the tests are failing on the login step. I will share screenshots of my error as well - iOS Android I am running the appium ...
Sharve's user avatar
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DataGrid MUI and React Testing Libray - Test failed

I've created a react component on my app using DataGrid MUI component. I would like to test this component using React Testing Library. After executing my test, I've the following error : MUI: ...
user2630477's user avatar
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Assertion Error while writing tests for SQLAlchemy code in Python

I'm trying to write some tests for a function, but I'm hitting some roadblocks. The function that I'm trying to test has the following code: async def delete_client_from_group(group_id: int, client_id:...
Rus Paul Adrian's user avatar
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android studio api 34 update google play app

There is a mobile application developed with Flutter. I changed the sdk targets in the build.gradle file and the application version code in the pubspec.yaml file without updating the Flutter version. ...
Kadir Çolak's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cucumber features are no longer detected by the CLI following an upgrade

I have a Java project which I test using a Cucumber CLI. I recently upgraded my Cucumber to 7.3.0 from 6.8.0: <dependency> <groupId>io.cucumber</groupId> <artifactId>...
Assafs's user avatar
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failed to copy: unexpected status from PUT request to (url): 400 Bad request

I am trying to push a simple image to the docker hub but i am getting this error Can any one help me to fix this error, i didn't understand it. i tryed to restart the docker desktop, changing the WIFI ...
Khaled Balti's user avatar
-1 votes
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TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'setUserId' [closed]

The Login Component logs in successfully and sets userId in context Now, the problem is Cannot destructure property 'setUserId' after I use npx jest path.. TypeError: Cannot destructure property '...
SleepyDev's user avatar
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How to run pytest.playwright tests on a dash app wtith multiple simulated users as load test

I'd like to test my minimal dash app: from dash import Dash, html, callback from dash.dependencies import Input, Output import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc from time import sleep app = Dash(...
Luggie's user avatar
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How to test that my app invokes proper handler for various HTTP requests

I have an app that invokes different handlers for different URL paths. Say, something like that: mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.Handle("/someURLpath", someHandler) mux.Handle("/...
vtm11's user avatar
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How to test if type is correct with Vitest?

Using Vitest, I want to assert that my value satisfies a type. To do this, reading Vitest doc, I wrote expectTypeOf(value).toEqualTypeOf<myType>(). However, this test always passes even if the ...
kh46r's user avatar
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global variable returns NULL value after upgrading the karate version from 1.4.0.RC3 to 1.5.0.RC4

We have a feature file in which we declared a global variable to use across different scenarios within the same feature file. It was working well until I upgraded my Karate version from 1.4.0.RC3 to 1....
Vijay Kanth Perikala's user avatar
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How to setup test resources correctly to read them in a Scala-Cli project

I use munit and scala-cli in a small Scala 3 project In a test I want to read a resource. Under the project root the resource is at the path: src/test/resources/testResource.txt The Scala file of the ...
halloleo's user avatar
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Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure in windows10

I am using jdk-22 with the same web driver & chrome driver v128.0.6613.84 with CFT with last selenium v4.23.1 but still have this problem Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium....
Amaal Absi's user avatar
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Angular's httpClient.get hangs if called from Mocha unit testing with async / await pattern

I have a simple API call inside a service: async validate(videoId: string): Promise<YoutubeValidationResult> { try { const response = await lastValueFrom(this.httpClient.get<{ ...
Allan Poppe's user avatar
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django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch error while trying to use reverse [duplicate]

I have a problem with reverse function in Django. In my project I have an app called posts and I am trying to test it. class PostListViewTest(TestCase): def test_future_post_list(self): ...
MrAdvocat2019's user avatar
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Can I use CppUTest with QT Creator's libraries?

I want to use CppUTest in my project which I developed in QT Creator. but there are some problems like: I can't test signal and slot because of meta-object compiler (moc) file. Some functions (exp: ...
durukan oktay's user avatar
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useState not updating on test using vitest for react

As I was setting up my tests for the code, I got stuck that I can't fully understand. My vitest log asks me to put my button click inside an act(), but it breaks by doing so. I don't fully understand ...
Gabriel Sousa's user avatar
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Hide or disable .net runtime for testing purposes

Can you please give some advice on the next question: recently we moved our .net application to self-contained deployment. Before it was framework-dependent. Now we are thinking about testing this ...
Polina Bodnar's user avatar
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Facing issue while migrating Jest@26 to Jest@27

I'm trying to migrate Jest from version 26 to 27 in my Next.js 13 project but facing the following error while running test after updating to Jest 27 version - FAIL src/__tests__/app.test.tsx ● ...
Sagar Sharma's user avatar
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Drizzle sql operator doesn't match expect.anything() in vitest

This test expect(dbMock.where).toHaveBeenCalledWith( gte(messageFeed.timestamp, expect.anything()) ); fails for this: .where( gte(messageFeed.timestamp, sql`now() - interval '1 day'`) ) but ...
kol3x's user avatar
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How can write a test for server side data fetching in react Ag-grid?

I am using react ag-grid library and looking to write a unit test for server side data fetching. As it is clear in the following code, the getRowData is defined at userOption(gridOption) and then ...
amir tbi's user avatar
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Puppeteer- why did my dropdown locator not working?

I have this dropdown on my page <select class="form-select"> <option disabled="" value="none">Choose Option</option> <option value="value-1&...
Averyl Aurellie's user avatar
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Playwright best practises

I'm using Sveltekit in combination with sortablejs to make a chrome extension that manages browser windows/tabs, similar to tab manager plus. To display the windows/tabs I use sortables which are ...
bob's user avatar
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Java Maven test/java - the same class names in different packages

What is the root answer of a question when I'm trying to create two different classes with the same na,es but in two different packages in test/java branch for Maven project. src/test/java/home/...
Serge Tsarik's user avatar
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Testing Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)

I'm writing unit tests for a NestJS app using Jest and am wondering whether it's necessary or beneficial to create unit tests for DTOs (Data Transfer Objects). Are there any pros and cons to testing ...
Mariam Khaled's user avatar
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CAPL Test Case for Monitoring CAN Signal Over Time

I'm trying to write a CAPL test case where I need to monitor a CAN signal BM_State under specific conditions for a duration of 7 seconds. The scenario is as follows: I want to start monitoring when ...
K.Stefan's user avatar
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How to run a testcase always at first in playwright [closed]

In my playwright framework, I am currently using storagestate which stores the login details of my application in a json file and after that all other testcases make use of this stored info. I want to ...
Ram Raj's user avatar
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Spring Boot Application fails tests in Gradle because of exception in PropertyPlaceholder

My application is on SpringBoot of 2.5.9 and Gradle of 7.4 version. I have a very simple test: @SpringBootTest @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) @TestPropertySource(locations="classpath:...
Eugene_Z's user avatar
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How to add validation messages from API responses when testing in Mocha, Java

How do I add the api response in the below tests. So I am trying to validate 4 columns. I got the test to pass and it validates that we should get a 422 Reponses as those columns are missing that is ...
Shams's user avatar
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How to mock the behavior of FileReader while doing Unit testing in Junit5

I have a service class which tries to read the content of CSV file and saves it to Database. I am trying to mock this behavior in Junit 5 and whatever I pass I am just getting error message as ...
Swathi 's user avatar
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How to override PostgreSQL's now() function for testing?

I'm working on a project that heavily relies on timestamp-based operations, and I need to write some tests that involve the now() function in PostgreSQL. For testing purposes, I want to be able to set ...
GA1's user avatar
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Exporting Test results from Test Explorer Window in Visual Studio 2022

Is there a way to export the test results that appear in the Test Explorer Window? I know a test results file is created for each test run, but the test explorer window gives me a full picture (for ...
Charlie S's user avatar
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how to write code for loggers in selenium with java and captured loggers to file in testing

This is Automation Testing(Selenium With Java) I have written the code for loggers.And i try to generate log folder,but i was not created log folder and log files is not saved it. This is maven ...
naresh's user avatar
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Query SQLite Database in Android test with Room

I am writing an app that has a form where the user enters data: Column { TextField( label = { Text(text = stringResource(id = R.string.brand)) }, value = state....
Code-Apprentice's user avatar

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