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Vercel Serverless Functions Size Exceeds 250 MB - How to Optimize NPM Packages

I'm working on a small puzzle app that uses Python as the backend and a React frontend with NextJS. While I'm trying to deploy on Vercel, I fail with the error of "Serverless Function has ...
Shubhankar Agrawal's user avatar
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How to deploy Node.js server on Vercel properly?

I am new in Next js and also in MERN stack; recently I have completed a mern stack LMS (Learning Management System) website using Next js for client (front end) and Node.js , Express, TypeScript for ...
Asm Nahin's user avatar
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405 Error or 401 Error (sometimes) on Stripe Endpoint with Next.js, Vercel, and PM2: Unable to Create Checkout Session

I'm integrating Stripe into my Next.js application deployed on Vercel. The goal is to create a checkout session through a POST request to the /api/stripe/create-checkout-session endpoint. However, I'm ...
SilentCraftsman's user avatar
-1 votes
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Image gallery website works properly on localhost but shows an error if i host it on vercel and run

I built an image gallery site using Appwrite. It works locally, but I get an error after deploying to Vercel. I've configured the environment variables and CORS settings, but the error persists.Any ...
Aryan Chari's user avatar
-4 votes
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So I created a simple API Website that can calculate like add, subtract, multiply and divide. Using express.js and ts-node and I hosted it on Vercel. Once I created /api/index.ts, and installed the ...
Syaamil Maulana's user avatar
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How to resolve build errors in Next.js?

I have such an error after building in nextjs, I can't build the project for some reason, you can see the error I got below, what could be the reason, if you know, please help!!! Y [AggregateError] ...
Oybek Bakhtiyorov's user avatar
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Module not found: Can't resolve 'swiper/react' vercel error

When I deploy my nextjs project on vercel it gives me this error: - [09:16:12.919] ./src/app/page.tsx [09:16:12.920] Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-intersection-observer' [09:16:12.926] ./src/...
Anant kumar's user avatar
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error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

php: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I experienced an error like the picture above, when uploading the Laravel deploy ...
Prime Video's user avatar
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Vercel Custom Domain Not loading [closed]

I have a website that was deployed to Vercel, for months now it has been working properly up until today, the custom domain stopped loading and gives me the browser error This site can’t be reached ...
Dr Ritany's user avatar
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Problem with Remix nested routes when hosted on Vercel (“Route X does not match URL Y”)

I have a Remix app with nested routes. These are my route files: app/routes/_in.$team.write-texts.tsx app/routes/_in.$team.write-texts.files.tsx app/routes/_in.$team.write-texts.$publicationId.tsx ...
Tom Söderlund's user avatar
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Error if refreshed from any other page (or route) other than "/" in react application created with vite@latest (Under deployment on Vercel)

I have developed a single page react app using vite@latest, my problem is that: If I refresh from the "/" page (or route) then nothing goes wrong, BUT if I refresh from a page(or route) ...
Sudip Sarkar's user avatar
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Issues with EJS path resolution after deployment to Vercel

I'm encountering a path resolution issue with my EJS templates after deploying my Express.js application to Vercel. The application works perfectly in my local environment, but after deploying, I'm ...
DeyPlay's user avatar
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Youtube Caption Extractor not working in Vercel

I have an Anki-like app in Next.js, where users can create their flashcards from YT captions. I used youtube-caption-extractor for that. It works perfectly fine but only locally (local:3000) but not ...
Aleksander Łukiańczuk's user avatar
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Angular 18 SSR with Localisation Breaks Direct URL Access for Routes with Parameters

I’m currently working on an Angular 18 application with server-side rendering (SSR) and localisation (i18n) for en and es. Everything works fine if I navigate within the app using the provided links, ...
Jonathan Anastasi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Vite React client app returns 404 errors in Vercel's vercel dev deployment

I am building a fullstack app with Vite, React, React Router and deploying it on Vercel. Deploying the client app to production on Vercel works absolutely fine. But now, I am in the process of ...
Dince-afk's user avatar
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Next.js web app’CSS is messed up in Chrome

I have a web app which is written on next.js It perfectly works in localhost environment but after deploying on Vercel, whole css of few pages messed up in Chrome but it works perfectly in Microsoft ...
Khashayar Rohani's user avatar
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OpenGraph LinkShare preview does not work NextJS

I have a problem with meta tags when sharing my content online on social media. I configured the meta tags to work dynamically, and they appear to be set up correctly in Vercel's OpenGraph preview, as ...
Ivan Medeiros's user avatar
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Error: Exception while trying to deploy a Flask App using 'scikit-learn' on Vercel

I am using a Flask application in the file named as in my root directory and another python file to create the ML model named as I tried deploying the repository on Vercel ...
Harshad's user avatar
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Why is Vercel not deploying my recipes.json file?

I'm working on building a recipe website where users can add recipes to it. This website is hosted on Vercel and for some reason, Vercel is not Deploying the recipes.json (or anything from the public ...
Buttrey Boy's user avatar
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Unable to make external Api call from backend controller of mern stack after deploying on render [closed]

basic controller with an api call imageHello guys please help me with this error, Im deploying mine mern stack for a first time, I deployed mine front-end app on vercel and backend in render, After ...
Raju Sharma's user avatar
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Stuck trying to Streamtext and StreamUI simultaneously with Vercel's AI SDK

I have been trying to implement Vercels new AI SDK but keep running into issues. I want to be able to stream text and UI as per the users request. Right now only the text gets streamed to the frontend,...
Aheman20's user avatar
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How to use `pymongo` with `flask` inside of Vercel

I want to add database functionalities to my Flask app hosted on Vercel. When using pymongo the website throws HTTP 500 saying that my app crashed. It also says that I should check the logs. The logs ...
Isus Ramzy's user avatar
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Stripe webhooks keep failing in Vercel/Supabase Environment when subscribing

EDIT The actual problem were not the BAD Requests, but rather that one time payments in stripe do not count as "subscriptions". Therefore, my app broke, since I am not checking for payments, ...
InsertIntoHTL's user avatar
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Executing a function after ten minutes the user closes the website

is it possible to execute a function ten minutes after a user closes the website? I am using Nextjs v14 and deploying the project to Vercel and I am triggering the function with an window....
Nighel's user avatar
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Redirecting Issue with Shortened URLs - Possible Database/Query Issue

I’m facing an issue with the URL shortening feature in my application. it work fine in localhost, Specifically, valid shortCode entries are sometimes redirecting to incorrect URLs. I suspect there ...
Umar Farouk Ilyas's user avatar
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How to integrate BigCommerce' headless ecommerce functionality into existing next.js app?

I have a website built on next.js and would like to implement BigCommerce' headless e-commerce solution. All the documentation seems to center around launching with Vercel or basically suggests you ...
FevtheDev's user avatar
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How can i get session information in a server component and client component with next-auth , nextjs

i'm starting with nextjs and use nextauth for authentication on my application . Next-auth apparently manages the session and the token. I want to retrieve the email of the connected user from the ...
kendra takam's user avatar
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Astro ssr and intl are not working on vercel as getting they are working in local

Context - Trying to add a country based redirection to specific language page using middlewares Problems - The locales are included and working in the local But things are not working and locales are ...
Arnab Chatterjee's user avatar
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Postgres connection not working with nextjs and drizzle

I followed the official documentation from Next or Drizzle but I can't configure next + drizzle + postgres.. I got this error: VercelPostgresError: VercelPostgresError - 'missing_connection_string': ...
Gen's user avatar
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Why the Theme Toggle works in production but not in development? [closed]

I implemented a theme toggle (light/dark mode) on my Astro.js project, and it works perfectly in production. However, in my local development environment, the toggle isn't functioning. I've cleared ...
Champetaman's user avatar
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how to solve 'Error: Command "npm run build" exited with SIGABRT' when deploying Next.js app on Vercel?

The error takes place after I set up nextjs.config.mjs to make plaiceholder work with Next.js: import withPlaiceholder from '@plaiceholder/next'; /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const ...
Orlando Guichard's user avatar
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Path redirection not working when website is deployed to Vercel, error 404

I have a website deployed to text which is connected to the repository text. The issue here is that Vercel works perfectly until you click any link in the navbar (except for 'Oscar Rodriguez'). All ...
Oscar Rodriguez Santiago's user avatar
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Moving from React to NextJS from a deployment perspective [closed]

I am considering partially re-writing an existing React application, due to new features, increasing state management complexity and performance impact & new authentication needs. This will be ...
RussFerns's user avatar
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Deploying GraphQL backend to vercel

GraphQL Server Works Locally but Fails in Production on Vercel I've developed a web app using GraphQL as the backend API service. The code works perfectly in local development, but when I try to make ...
Umesh Ola's user avatar
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Fetching Is done perfectly in localhost but not in deployed app [closed]

Issue with Fetching Data in Deployed Vercel App but Works on Localhost I'm facing an issue with fetching data in my React application. Here's a simplified version of the code I'm using: useEffect(() =&...
ashikpy's user avatar
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Rewrites Nextjs not change path from another domain to main domain

I am having a problem using rewritestext in nextjs to change the api route from one link to another due to deploying both sources in vercel (side project). Before that feature was working fine, but ...
Lê Anh Tuấn's user avatar
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Http only cookies disappear after page reload

I'm trying to create http only cookies for my frontend, from my vercel backend using ES modules. But the problem is when I click on the button, I cam see that there is a cookie stored in the storage ...
Lario Abou's user avatar
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Why doesn't Suspense work on deployed NextJS projects

I am trying to use Suspense in NextJS but the fallback component is not getting mounted at all. I have added a 2 second timer, and instead of seeing the fallback component for 2 seconds, the page just ...
Andrei's user avatar
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Database Access Issue via Vercel

I'm working on a game website that’s deployed on Vercel using React/Next.js. I'm encountering an issue with securely connecting to my Azure SQL Database. Currently, we set enormous firewall rule for ...
Eesh Gadol's user avatar
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Problems with remote environment

I'm developing a web platform in Next, my database in Supabase and I uploaded it to Vercel. I did some basic server actions for CRUD, when I tested in the local environment they all worked perfectly, ...
Henrique Sanches Silva's user avatar
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Set-Cookie is working in Localhost but not on the deployment

When i use my localhost login endpoint, i can see that Set-Cookie header is working and it is giving me value, but when im using my deployed login endpoint, i cant find the Set-Cookie in the response ...
Christian Sugarol's user avatar
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Having problems while trying to trigger Clerk webhook in NextJS - errors 400 and 500

I was trying to sync my mongoDB database with clerk using webhooks, and create user based on my Clerk sign up. I successfully deployed my app to Vercel, and used the deployed URL to create Endpoint in ...
DarkoB1996's user avatar
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How does Vercel middleware work for SSR appplication?

I have a server side rendering application (next.js) needs to be deployed to Vercel. And I'd like to deploy it to multiple regions. I understand that Vercel middleware is on edge and it can be used to ...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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Getting error when deploying to vercel ERR_PNPM_NO_MATCHING_VERSION

When running the vercel command to deploy my app I'm getting an error:  ERR_PNPM_NO_MATCHING_VERSION  No matching version found for @tanstack/[email protected] This error happened while installing ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Trouble deploying Next.js application using Playwright for webscraping using chromium browser

I struggle uploading my Next.js project to Vercel, following error message is found in my build log: ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Host system is missing dependencies to ...
henrymh3's user avatar
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React Router 404 Error on Vercel Deployment Despite Custom Rewrites in vercel.json

Basically I was trying to use react router in my vite project. But the problem is when I found that React router is not properly working in Varcel when I refresh webpages. It shows me 404: NOT FOUND ...
Random dev.'s user avatar
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Vercel Deployment: FUNCTION_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT Error on POST Request, but GET Request Works Fine

I recently deployed my Node.js backend to Vercel using the free version. The deployment was successful, and the GET endpoints are working perfectly fine. However, when I try to hit the POST /register ...
Anisul Islam's user avatar
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Vercel Build Fails: Cannot Find Module 'autoprefixer' with Next.js 14.1.4

I'm working on a Next.js project deployed on Vercel, but my build fails with the following error related to autoprefixer: Error: Cannot find module 'autoprefixer' Require stack: - /vercel/path0/...
yon's user avatar
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Prisma Update function not working properly on Vercel

I have deployed my Next.js project, which uses Prisma, to both Vercel and Render. For some reason, some of the update functions don’t work properly on Vercel but work fine on Render. Can't reach ...
Sandaru Fernando's user avatar
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how to change env file content

So i added the .env file in gitignore , and then pushed it to main branch . because of my disk error my files got deleted , so i now cloned the project , and due to security reasons i wanted to change ...
Pakshal Shah's user avatar

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