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NGINX blocks url paths [closed]

I have a server running nginx. It was configured by default with the service I purchased. I face an "500 internal server error" whenever I open the website link like '' or '...
Omer Khan's user avatar
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How do I prevent Nuxt from going to the Error layout when going to an invalid path?

I'm been looking through both GitHub issues, StackOverflow and the official documentation but I can't seem to find where and how to disable router from going to the error.vue page on going to an ...
Raxira's user avatar
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Vue3 + vue-router + Keep-alive doesn't cache individual article pages by slug in simple blog setup

(I imagine this is a duplicate but I couldn't find anything after searching) The Problem I'm making an SPA blog with a listing and article pages. Simple template structure: App.vue - Listing.vue --&...
Ryan's user avatar
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How to avoid hard-coding parameter names for usage with a query in vue-router

Currently I save a parameter to URL like this: const save = async (parameter: LocationQuery) => { await router.push({ path: '', query: { ...route.query, ...parameter } }); }; called like ...
timbre timbre's user avatar
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What are the advantages of using the vue-router's route.param.x in computed value

Vue-router docs are giving 2 specific patterns of usage: const route = useRoute(); // Get the current value const id =; // Watch for further value changes watch( () => route....
timbre timbre's user avatar
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How can i set a different base for my assets in VueJS Vite

I have a VueJS Vite project which for several reasons has to be built into a /vue/ directory within the root of an existing project. This is the folder structure: project │ Controllers │ ... │ ...
Sgt_Scott's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 Vue 3 project - Issue with routing and loading CSS/JS files after deployment

I created a Nuxt 3 Vue 3 project that integrates with WordPress. Everything works fine when I run the project locally using npm run dev. However, I'm facing an issue when deploying the project by ...
monny's user avatar
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TS2339: Property '$router' does not exist on type 'CreateComponentPublicInstance<{}

I got this errors when pipeline ends. The project runs in my desktop locally, but when i run pipeline thats brokens with error. I've already tried downloading all the dependencies again and even tried ...
King's user avatar
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Vue router gives a warning when adding dynamic route: No match found for location with path "/test"

I add a route dynamically and it works but I get the warning below. "No match found for location with path "/test". Code Sandbox demo url.
Ersin Güvenç's user avatar
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Updating query parm in vue router dynamically

How come one way works and other dosnt. (URL not updating dynamic) I want to remove parm2 from URL URL : http://localhost/testpage?parm1=xyz&parm2=xyz&parm3=xyz Do not work (Output: http://...
AP87's user avatar
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Testing router.push with vitest and testing-library for vue 3 project

im new in testing components and im trying to test a simple login function. Everything works and tests as it should expect for the push function. This is my login function, which executes whenever you ...
Esteban Gimenez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Usage of vue router inside composable (Vue 3)

I have a composable useAppRouting within which methods are created to work with routing, can I use vue-router in this way? let router: Router let route: RouteLocation const getParam = (name: string): ...
Voltage's user avatar
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Uusing REGEX to make ip in URL get a problem with router problem

I want to create a root localhost:3000/ip/{any IPv4 possible} that's my index.ts (router file looks like) import {createRouter, createWebHistory} from 'vue-router'; import IPView from "../views/...
Daniel's user avatar
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how to handle validate form to next page use vue router

a form after validate must go to next author page with vue-Router using this code but not validate <form @submit.prevent="handlesubmit"> <div class="row">...
dani's user avatar
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Passing an object to a route with vue-router

Based on this from vue-routers site it seems as though you can pass an object as a prop. However, everytime I try to do this it seems to it fail saying invalid param My route is defined as follows: ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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How can I using common routes for multi-projects

I am using NuxtJs 3 and I have 3 folders containing 3 different nuxtjs projects in which the "packages" folder contains 2 subfolders "cms" and "monitor". When I run the ...
Châu Trần Thái's user avatar
-1 votes
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Vuejs guard router failed with infinite loop

Hellop, I have a vue3 app consume laravel 11 api, I want to develop a router guard to redirect unauthenticated users to the login page. When the Laravel server is not running, the code works and ...
MAHA OUEGHLANI's user avatar
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Route params are not rendering inside Vue components when using Vue Router

I've got Vue router running with these routes: const routes = [ { path: '/', name: 'home', params: { label: 'Home page' }, component: Home }, { path: '/group1', ...
gespinha's user avatar
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What causes Cannot find module '~/pages/index.vue' or its corresponding type declarations. ts(2307) error while using router.options.ts?

see sample image here I have a nuxt 3 project and I would like to use custom routing with it. I followed nuxt documentation on custom routing and added a folder named 'app' and inside I created router....
Dionico Noe C. Alegarbes's user avatar
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Navi link list doesn't print path (vue)

I have setup a router link list in Vue: const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.VITE_BASE_URL), linkActiveClass: 'activeView', routes: [ { path: '/', ...
KSPR's user avatar
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web.config failed to rewrite index.html when a baseURL is added to sub directory in Vue 3 app with Vite

Currently working on a Vue 3 app which deployed using Azure web apps. When I deployed it to the root and used web.config it worked fine, But I need to add a Base URL. For that, I have added the ...
Avish95's user avatar
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What is the best way to generate menu titles with vue router?

I have the following routes defined in vue router: const routes = [ { path: '/', name: 'home', params: { label: 'Home' }, component: Home }, { path: '/path1', name: '...
gespinha's user avatar
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beforeEnter navigation guard not triggering when router.push() is called on the same route

I have a search engine which is not properly updating when after having searched something, I try to search something else. When I want to search something, the search function in the search component ...
ernoa's user avatar
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How to implement a multi-document application based on dialog (modal) windows in VUE?

Now I have a classic SPA application implemented using the VUE, VUE Router, VUEX, Vuetify stack. Recently I saw an implementation of an interface based on editing data in dialog (modal) windows. As a ...
Алексей's user avatar
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How can I configure routes in a Vue.js application to handle query parameters?

What configurations are required in my routes to handle the query parameter userActivity for a URL like I'm using Vite as a build tool, with the base ...
U005_Aryann Dwivedi's user avatar
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Vue - Is there a way for a route to have the same path, but different name (at least for test purpose only)?

I have the following vue-router definition in my vue app: export const routes = [ { path: '/test/:id', name: 'test', component: () => import('@/components/MyComponent.vue') } ] And ...
demiglace's user avatar
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Vue.js Vuex State Not Syncing Across Tabs and Direct URL Access

I have a Vue.js application with a login component and a settings page. When I log in and navigate to the settings page via the menu within the login page, the Vuex store updates correctly, and I can ...
Eps's user avatar
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[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: UserBasket

I ran into an issue that had me scratch my head for a few days now. I am doing a application with vuejs3 frontend. For all the code I provide I removed the most other code and kept what I think is ...
Tarakos's user avatar
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Return a Rewrite in Nuxt3 with Nitro server middleware

For a nuxt3 app with the following folder structure: pages/ ├── foo.vue └── bar.vue server/ └── middleware/ └── index.js How can a rewrite be returned from index.js? Here is a link to a live ...
dbzx10299's user avatar
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Best way to implement conditional tabbed routing in vue

What I'm trying to implement is routing with tabs where the available tabs change depending on the user type (upon authentication the user type gets stored in a pinia store). This is what I ended up ...
darkbasic's user avatar
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TypeError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'

I am new to vue.js and i'm trying to upgrade a relatively big vue 2 project to vue 3 and after i updated all the necessary files, i came across this TypeError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on '...
efe.tsdmr's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 child route with dynamic parameter not getting active-class

I have the following folder structure. And the following pages are of important /workshops and /workshops/workshop-1. The issue I'm having now is that my active-link works for /workshops, but not for ...
Miguel Stevens's user avatar
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How to unit test vue beforeRouteUpdate hooks

I have the following vue component, which uses onBeforeRouteUpdate hook to call the init() method when the route param changes (test/a -> test/b). The following stackblitz instance shows the output ...
demiglace's user avatar
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How can I access router props passed in to Vue Router in function beforeEach

I have a Vue Router routes setup like so: [ { path: '/regions', name: 'regions', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "regions" */ '../views/RegionsView.vue'), ...
zoltalar's user avatar
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How do I mounted a object data using axios in vue js

this is my menu page: <div class="col col-md-3" v-for="(product, index) in products" :key="index"> <div class="card"> <...
JustTuyen's user avatar
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In vue3, why router.currentRoute and router.currentRoute.value printed value different?

When I use the address to enter the /npc page or refresh the page in the /npc page, I encounter the following situation. Code: router.beforeEach(async () => { console.log(router.currentRoute, ...
Yo.Right's user avatar
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Vue router not changing or responding to URL

Navigating from one page to the other works, but this change is not reflected in the URL path. Trying to enter a page directly from the URL (i.e. localhost:8080/explore) also just loads the home page. ...
arrey's user avatar
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How to create a simple component inline?

I have a component that looks like this: App.vue <template> <RouterView /> </template> I would like to not have a file for such a simple component. How would I go about creating ...
leonheess's user avatar
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Escape colon in Vue router wikipedia-style

Context I've been trying to replicate what wikipedia does with their URL It works something like /[Namespace]:[PageName] /[PageName] So if I go to /randompage I get as params: namespace: '' page name:...
Nala's user avatar
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Facing issues in nested routes in Vue-3

I am creating a simple CRUD application for users based on different roles, but I'm facing issues with nested routes and component rendering. I have carefully reviewed their official documentation, ...
Ittefaq Technologies's user avatar
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Vue routeguard prevents supabase SIGN_IN event to occur after OAuth redirect

I've followed this tutorial on vueschool for supabase auth in vue3 app. For signin i'm using this method: const ...
Depka's user avatar
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Problems serving Vue Vite build through Express, Failed to load module script: Expected JavaScript module

I am currently trying to test my Nodejs (Vue, Vite, Express) web application in production but am having trouble serving specific routes to the client. On some pages i recieve Failed to load module ...
Max Vuksan's user avatar
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Vue Router Not Reflecting Routes, Stays on Home Page

I'm working on a Vue 3 project and encountering an issue where the Vue Router is not reflecting the correct routes. When I navigate to any route, such as /cars or /admin, the URL does not update and ...
Suliman Noor's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 Dynamic Routing Conflict with Nested and Single Slug Pages

I am building a project with Nuxt 3, However, I am facing a routing conflict with my current setup. Here is my folder structure: pages/ [types]/ [slug].vue [...categoryPath]/ [slug].vue [...
Jan's user avatar
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vue-router scroll doesn't work properly based on user action

I created following page: <template> <div> <v-row> <v-col> <div id="c1"> <h2>Chapter 1</h2> <div><!-...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Cannot find module '../page/home/index.vue' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)

when i use vue3+ts ,my router are right,but it's tips that cannot find module '../page/home/index.vue' or its corresponding type declarations always! I was used hash modules,not history modules. i ...
nora's user avatar
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error get data to one data using vue router and laravel

I learning Vue in use Vue router, make crud SPA application component to show all data: <template> <div> <table class="table table-striped"> <...
Andrey V's user avatar
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v-slot can only be used on components or <template> tags. Using <router-view> (plugin:vite:vue)

<router-view v-slot="{ Component }"> <component :is="Component" class="container" ref="componentRef" /> </router-view&...
aishwarya's user avatar
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Vuex and Vue Router - double condition on beforeEnter not working

I have double condition in beforeEnter and nobody can enter to right place. Is there a limit in conditions or what? :( my code in the router file: const routes = { path: `${routerConfig.preRoute}/...
kat.stacevitz's user avatar
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why in vue3, the transition component will cause the router to fail to jump?

My router configuration: { path: '/user', name: 'user', component: Layout, redirect: '/user/detail', meta: { title: '111', }, children: [ { path: '...
肉蛋充肌's user avatar

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