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Issue with storing a text value in React on client side to then retrieving it on server side

I have an app that runs on http://localhost:3000/ In first page.tsx a user selects a category and is redirected to second page.tsx. I want to store the selected category name here or in second page....
Trine's user avatar
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Issue Connecting Azure DevOps 2022 On-Prem Server to External SQL Server

We have Azure Devops 2022 server installed on-premise server. web application connects successfully with SQL server installed on the same server. But when try to connect to SQL server on some other ...
user4385104's user avatar
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2 answers

ASP.NET Core 8 Web API : 404ing specifically when it is an application in a subdirectory

I apologize in advance for this question, because I know a million variations of this have been asked, but I am stumped after pouring through them all. I have an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API project. I am ...
SombraGuerrero's user avatar
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Implementing a Group Feature Similar to Facebook Groups [closed]

I'm working on a project where I want to implement a group feature similar to Facebook Groups. Users should be able to: Create groups Join existing groups either by invitation or through a public ...
Abubakar Tijani's user avatar
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Autocomplete MaterializeCSS is not working

I'm trying to create a simple lookup form using Google Apps Script. The form uses data sourced from a spreadsheet to populate a number of autocomplete input fields. I can't figure out why the ...
dfear's user avatar
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What is the process of creating a web application with React and Express?

Background I've been making a conlang (constructed language) for a while now. I've been managing it using a JSON file to store words and a Python file to retrieve it. Now, I want to expand it. Since ...
Beedful's user avatar
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How can I use the Llama 3.1 model in my app without using an API?

I want to use the Llama 3.1 8B LLM in my web app without relying on any external API. I believe that models in GGUF format are best suited for my needs. My plan is to use the user's CPU for text ...
Alhusain Alharthi's user avatar
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Submit button closes the dialog but then it reopens

I have function that asks users to select a name from a dropdown list. When I click the submit button, the form closes, writes the name to the selected cell, but then immediately reopens. What am I ...
Tim Nayak's user avatar
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What is the correct way to deploy a nest js app in a azure web app server? Should the package.json be included?

The nest js build it's not including the package.json which seems to be normal, but then when deploying to azure web app, the server it was not capable to install the needed packages. Finally I have ...
Maria Gavrila's user avatar
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Tomcat10 webapp deployed several times

It seems that my webapp application is deployed several times either at tomcat startup or if I deployed a war file through tomcat manager. At startup in catalina.out: 23/08/2024 13:36:42,167+1100 ...
Sylvain GERBIER's user avatar
-3 votes
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How do people practically build web applications? [closed]

Title. I'm new to development and want to build beautiful web applications with rich functionality, but the courses/tutorials I'm following all seem so simple and clean. When I inspect element on any ...
Slanted Salamander's user avatar
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3 answers

Media Image is not loaded in the output of Django Project

I am working on this django project where after uploading images to media through admin panel, i couldn't get any image in the output although, it's alt text are shown. Here is some code which may ...
Bjorn Ironside's user avatar
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5 answers

Disable submit button if any of option from the list not selected from the drop down list

I am trying to link the submit button with the option list. If there is any one item of the from the option list of both list got selected from the drop down list then only the submit button will ...
Sunil Panda's user avatar
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How to bootstrap Angular application from Ember js

I want to bootstrap angular webapp from ember js and for that, we have imported angular bundle files into index html of ember js and trying to bootstrap angular by <app-root> </app-root> ...
user3098308's user avatar
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Is there a way to use AD Credentials through LDAP for User Login in a Web Application

I am trying to get the user to login to a web app using their AD creds. But there is an issue where I have to allow "Logon all computers" in "Logon Workstations" in AD. I want the ...
Omer Tirmizi's user avatar
-1 votes
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review dyamic apps script to fetch value from weblink table and sum into sheet based on criteria [closed]

Trying to have the below app script in google sheet run. goal is script to be dynamic. it should pick up stock symbol starting cell d6 go to weblink find "p - purchase" buys in last 6 months ...
singh's user avatar
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Issues Importing `formatDate` from `@fullcalendar/react` and `ProSidebar` from `react-pro-sidebar`

I am working on a React project with two key modules: a calendar component and a global sidebar. However, I am encountering errors when trying to import the necessary libraries. Here are the errors: ...
Ghost's user avatar
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I want run the app script in my own website only when user submit the form. if any try to send data from postman not accept that request

when i send the data form postman or any domain don't accept those requests. Only accept the data request from my own domain only. give me possible ways. I am try to change the appsscript.json file ...
Saikumar Kakumanu's user avatar
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Redirecting to same page with different parameters results in blank screen [duplicate]

I have a button that links to the same GAS page but with added parameters (say tag=a) in the URL. This works fine, but once I click another button that does the same thing (say tag=b), the page is ...
Squirrel's user avatar
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my google app script file import suddenly stop working after one month, nothing changed

I've created an app script that serves as the back end of my file importer web page, which I could select a file, rename it and move to the corresponding sub folder in a shared Drive. It worked ...
Yunlong's user avatar
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Disable the submit button when the <textarea> is empty and ensure it gets enabled after text is entered

I want to disable the submit button when the textarea is empty. Initially, I set the submit button to a disabled state and wrote the following code. However, after typing text inside the textarea, the ...
Sunil Panda's user avatar
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.NET 8, Identity, Bearer issue

I'm building a web app (an authoritative server that will be used for a game I'm building) using ASP.NET Core 8, and I'm utilising Microsoft's Identity to do all authorisation and authentication. ...
GameDevDumbo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Button dissapears after click it

Im making a simple web app using google app script for a simple time attendance. my problem is after clicking the submit button to check or verify the email . the time in button disappear after 2 ...
En- Nino's user avatar
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NextJS fetching old build files resulting in ERR_ABORTED 404

I have a NextJS app hosted on DigitalOcean App Platform. When I visit the preview link that DO provides you OR when I am in localhost, everything works fine, however, when I am in my it ...
arbso's user avatar
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How to send data to GAS function?

I am using Google Apps Script to write a small web app where I can upload an image (Business Cards) which is then stored in my Google Drive. The image should be utilized by ChatGPT which extract the ...
Haidepzai's user avatar
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How to limit Async uploads to x at a time?

I'm attempting to upload files through a web form to a Google Drive backend using the Resumable Uplaods feature. I'm starting with a script from
Dan's user avatar
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how to fix google sheet webapp returning undefined value in html page?

I am making a web app using google sheets and google app script. My web app have an index page and an input page. There is no problem with inputting the data, however when i try to populate the data ...
fj_gie's user avatar
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this bot can't be added to the attachment menu

I have created a Telegram bot and activated its program. Now, according to Telegram's description, I have prepared a startapp for it, but it does not open on mobile, while it runs well on Windows ...
Ghysar's user avatar
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Prevent a device from going to sleep when browsing a web page [duplicate]

I would like to prevent the device going to sleep while looking at my web page. I would like this to work for chrome and safari on both ios and andriod. I have currently researched 2 possible options ...
Jack McKay Fletcher's user avatar
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Error on Rollout of Firebase WebApp with Webpack (New Developer)

I'm a new dev straight out of college working on a webapp on Firebase. I'm following the Get Started Instructions word-for-word. So I initialized app hosting using npm init @apphosting adn set up my ...
Denae Luna's user avatar
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Get Coordinates from leafmap.foliumap

I want to get coordinates data from leafmap, I use streamlit for my webapp I want to get these datas your textenter image description here I can't get these datas How can I get coordinates data and ...
tHoangAnh's user avatar
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How to Ensure Full-Screen Expansion for Web App on iOS?

Problem I am developing a Web App and facing an issue with making it expand to full screen on iOS devices. The window.Telegram.WebApp.expand() method works correctly on Android devices, but on iOS ...
Farnaz Banavand's user avatar
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Search box results are not shown in web

I have created a search box. In the box if I input any number then it searches all data between 2 Google Sheets and returns the results. Now the search is executing properly and clud is getting proper ...
bproperty Customer Service's user avatar
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To fetch user data from a WebApp to Google Sheets

I need help to clear my doubts. I made a WebApp table where users just fill-in his data and once he presses the save button, the data will automatically move to Google Sheets. However, it doesn't ...
Sunil Panda's user avatar
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Update Browser URL on Redirect

We are encountering an issue with a Google Apps Script web app designed to redirect users to a specific Google document based on an ID provided in the URL. The redirection itself works, but the ...
Paul Armstrong's user avatar
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Deploying Flask app and React app to a VPS

ive built a webapp using react and python, my app is a inventory system for my schools science department but im having issues deploying it to my VPS, the backend is made in python using flask while ...
Miles Harrington's user avatar
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how to extract all urls included in a web application repository (relative and absolute urls)(url crawling)

I want to get all urls included in a webapp repository It may use any framework (react, angular etc). I tried to get all routes from router configuration files. For example if a web app is react-based,...
raj's user avatar
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Integrating Holoviz Panel and Django to build Dashboard Webapps

I am looking for any working example of a Django project that is integrated with Panel Apps. There is a section in the user guide that gives tips on how to integrate. But I am unable to get it to work....
prashanth manohar's user avatar
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Deploying a web app on vercel, back-end is not started

I have a nextjs/typescript webapp project that I'm hosting in vercel, with the free tier. To start my project, I do npm run dev in the app folder, which starts the front end. Then, in another terminal,...
Luis Angel Urena Lopez's user avatar
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Is this an appropriate way to add an Options pattern and inject it - ASP.NET Core 8 Blazor web app

I am learning .NET Core (Blazor) and read many tutorials and guides. There appear to be many ways to cook the egg trying to get appsettings.json available to my components. I like the idea of mapping ...
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"PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied" and xlib error when starting python web app on orange pi 5 debian bullseye 11

this is the whohle error orangepi@orangepi5:~$ python3 /home/orangepi/v-link/ Initializing backend... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/hone/orangeps/v-Link/", ...
Newbie 's user avatar
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SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog has changed since 26072024

I have been using this code with GAS in Sheets to display two dialogs successfully for a long time: function demo() { SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('<b>...
mortpiedra's user avatar
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Flutter web app cannot start after upgrading to flutter 3.22.3

I have a web application at It worked fine for 6 months until this morning after I ran flutter upgrade. Previously, my application used the html_editor_enhanced ^2.5.1 package. After I ...
THC's user avatar
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Google App script Wepp App for logged users only

I have been searching stack overflow for a solution but none worked yet and I am not really sure if I can do what I want to, but here is the scenario: I have a Google app script that will return only ...
Ricardo Gimenes Ferreira's user avatar
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Doing some Encryption and Decryption and encounter "System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: 'Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.'"

This is the view. Upon submit, the data is encrypted. No problem.: <form asp-controller="Permit" asp-action="Encryptori" method="post"> <div class="form-...
Waller's user avatar
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How to add adsense to Kotlin mutiplatform (KMM) web app?

I want to menotize my webapp which i created on kotlin multiplatform(KMM) and for web apps i feel adsense is best but i am unable to find a proper solution how to integrate adsense to a webapp built ...
Jasvir's user avatar
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HTML Templates Overlapping in Google Sheets

Previously, when I created two HTML templates, opening the second template would automatically close the previous one, ensuring that only one HTML template was visible on the screen at any time. ...
Halit Şahin's user avatar
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doPost Triggered by Slack Not Calling Function from Different File in Same Project

I'm facing an issue with my Google Apps Script project and could use some help. Short Summary: I have a project with three .gs files. One of them contains a doPost function that is triggered by Slack. ...
Albert Hayfaz's user avatar
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How can I "get" a Google sheet through App Scripts?

I'm trying to connect a Google Sheet to Qualtrics. And keep running into this error: Sheet "Completion_Codes" not found. Here's the script: function doGet() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp....
RB39's user avatar
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Webapp does not redirect the page

Google Apps Script does not redirect the page due to sandboxFrame... How can I solve this problem? The workspace is Google Sheets and Google Apps Script, html pages. login.html <!DOCTYPE html> &...
First Point's user avatar

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