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Unhandled 'error' event with self-signed TLS certificate on node:http2 and wget

I created a simple HTTPS server with node:http2 package and self-signed certificate. This is a code for this app server: import {createSecureServer} from 'node:http2'; import {readFileSync} from 'node:...
Alex Gusev's user avatar
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When I was building gost: a [closed]

wget --no-check-certificate -O && chmod +x && ./ This is the ...
Guo Shuaihao's user avatar
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How to recursively download path or filenames, without downloading the actual files?

I want to download the filenames or paths of over 1 mil files on a NASA data repository, without actually downloading the files. What is the best way to do this? Does wget supports this functionality? ...
peteron30's user avatar
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Why does the VScode do not recognize the wget in Windows?

I have downloaded and installed wget and configured environment variables: GNU_HONE=E:\1-The knit of software\wget grab\GnuWin32 Path also include the '%GNU_HOME%\bin' Why did I can't grab data from ...
Eason's user avatar
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Is it possible to install cgywin and wget for windows xp?

I need to run windows xp system and use cygwin and wget tools. Is it possible? I googled and some links are not working anymore. Updated: I have made it work to instrall cygwin on xp systems by ...
susanna's user avatar
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Accessing folder through os.scandir() after changes made to folder

I am trying to iterate through a folder with html files to filter them according to whether they contain a keyword or not in their string form. I download them to a folder through wget and ...
user24330119's user avatar
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"/bin/bash: wget: command not found" error in Jupyter notebook environment

I mainly use Google Colab, but Google Colab had a payment issue, so yesterday I tried to run the 100% same code in Jupyter Notebook. My code is : !pip install --upgrade mxnet !pip install --upgrade ...
ROSA LEE's user avatar
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Creating a Mac app that acts as a GUI for wget for my specific usecase

I've been trying to create a Mac app that exactly replicates this command: wget -c --no-check-certificate --tries=inf --waitretry=0 --retry-on-http-error=502,503,504 --read-timeout=5 --connect-timeout=...
Gunner Kim's user avatar
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Get data from Datalogger via wget/curl

I need to download the data from a datalogger, day by day, which only allows ftp/wget/curl. I need to create a script which download the files from the folder (or the folder itself) day by day every ...
JX1974's user avatar
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How to download html with curl or wget from a page using a JavaScript login sequence?

I am trying to scrape the "status page" of my PV system as follows: In a regular browser, I simply open this page: This ...
emp-00's user avatar
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Creating directories with wget

I need to download files from several pages, using wget -r -l 1 -nd -H --accept-regex '[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{3}.pdf' -i list.txt; in the TXT file I have a list of all the pages from ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Download file from TeamCity with SSO using bash

I need to download an artefact from TC using a bash command (it should work in Ubuntu 22.04.3 deb based server). TeamCity authentication mode is SSO only via MS account and 2FA authentication. Is it ...
Ubuntu Learner's user avatar
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How do I record download rate for every second when downloading file with wget?

I'm downloading file online and intend track the download rate consistency. I see I can use wget to DL file using command prompt. Is it possible and how do I record the download rate for every second ...
sunny's user avatar
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Wget give different result with python request

I have been trying to extract transaction records from this website: Looking into stack overflow, I have stumbled into a solution that uses urllib....
Pond-nj's user avatar
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Pipe wget into sh - issue with line breaks

I'm trying to download a bash script using wget and pipe it over to sh but I'm running into problems. It works fine in separate steps (wget to download, then execute), but not when piping to sh. The ...
devklick's user avatar
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Python Selenium Script Using Drop-down menus

I am trying a fun project related to future Canadian Health and safety Industry career aspirations that will also help me build Python skills. There is a website that provides data on Canadian ...
Abdirahman Ahmed's user avatar
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how to fix syntax error on using wget on Colab

wget '' -O models/d2_tf.pth File "", line 1 wget "" -O models/d2_tf.pth ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax ...
tafusen's user avatar
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Trying to pip instal wget with cmd [closed]

I am trying to install wget with pip through the following commands: C:\Users\jacob>pip uninstall wget Found existing installation: wget 3.2 Uninstalling wget-3.2: Would remove: c:\users\...
user24826558's user avatar
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wget python .tmp error doesn't work on specific web URL(web crawling )

Hello I have a weird problem in Python using wget, will be so grateful if someone could give me a help. what I want to do : download the file('.pdf','.djvu') from specific website(ex. wiki) with wget, ...
Jung Woo Sohn's user avatar
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How to use wget to pull down a web page for offline viewing, but save the html in a different place

I've done the usual research. I understand that you can use wget to pull down a copy of a web page with something like this: wget --adjust-extension --span-hosts --convert-links --backup-converted --...
Daniel Quinn's user avatar
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download all pdf files from website doesn't support wildcard

I want to download all pdf files in the website of "". I tried many thing with wget as: wget --wait 10 --random-wait ...
Zeinab's user avatar
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Can't download from GitHub

Trying to get the following file from GitHub and the file does not download'''!wget -P {HOME}/weights -q''' I know they are there. '...
Chris Rigano's user avatar
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docker build config proxy wget: can't connect to remote host

I'm not really good at network, I can't see what changed with the command wget inside when I ran docker build --build-arg https_proxy="http://proxy-fg:8080/" and wget outside from the vm? ...
Linna's user avatar
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requests.get(): certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate, despite public certificate being used to verify [duplicate]

I am attempting to access some data from a website through python, but after my first attempt: requests.get('') I was met with the following error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='www....
lkotlus's user avatar
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Using WGET to Get Links on the Page

I'm using: wget --spider --force-html -r -l5 2>&1 | grep '^--' | awk '{print $3}' > urls.txt It works great; however, it doesn't seem to copy the 'href=' links on each ...
tombraider123's user avatar
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How to correctly read an endless stream from InternetRadio using Indy TIdHTTP?

I am writing a UPNP-Controller. To supply the Artist and Title, it's necessary that I can get the metadata, probably supplied as XML somewhere in the Stream. For that, I want to read the (endless) ...
ratmalwer's user avatar
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`curl` applying lowercase to headers

There is a website that I need to scrape just a single page and I discovered it blocks access from curl but allows from wget. Making exactly the same request (same headers, cookies, same origin IP...) ...
Samul's user avatar
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How to stop a wget mirror?

I accidentally mirrored a whole website using wget. Whenever I try to delete the downloaded file, it keeps reappearing & trying to download again. How do I stop this? I tried looking through the ...
jlusche's user avatar
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Unable to install wget on mac (mojave 10.14.6) result: Error: An exception occurred within a child process

I tried installing wget running this command line brew install wget The result: Error: An exception occurred within a child process: CompilerSelectionError: libunistring cannot be built with any ...
sciusciusciusciu's user avatar
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Trying to import wget libraries but it's not happening why? It says requirement satisfied but not able to import it. Giving module not found error

get_ipython().system('pip install wget') import wget Requirement already satisfied: wget in c:\users\divya\appdata\local\programs\python\python312\lib\site-packages (3.2) ------------...
Divya's user avatar
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list pages in a website of links to reports

I'm trying to list of all the pages of a certain level on a website. The website is kind of mostly text links of reported events, which each link to a more detailed report. So the main link to the ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Error 403: Server Failed to Authenticate the request

I am trying to download a file from from Azure Artifact package using their Rest API. wget --header="Authorization: Basic $PAT" "$URL" -O $filename I am getting error message ...
Tejas Mehta's user avatar
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WGET -HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found

I tried in several ways to make a copy of the website using the Wget method with these credentials wget>wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-...
AYANOKOJI's user avatar
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How to download file from other repo to current repo in workflow file (github actions)

suppose the workflow file in repo1 has - name: Import run: | wget here it is importing **hello.env **...
kpnss's user avatar
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wget_ how to download pdfs only from href url and text <&#187; PDF>?

there are multiple .pdfs with same file name. for example: 61c56fb615b7b3.00271374.pdf <a href='./admin/Uploads/Files/61c56fb615b7b3.00271374.pdf' target=_blank style='padding-right:33px;'>&#...
jindam's user avatar
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How do I update a local file's timestamp to match the one on the server?

For historical reasons I like keeping the original timestamps when it matters, and I downloaded a large file with the browser instead of using wget (which preserves timestamps by default). Now I have ...
Nicolae Crefelean's user avatar
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curl or wget command to verify a host is serving HTTPS on port 443?

I'm not married to either tool, I'm just hoping to find the fastest way to verify that all hosts in a list I pipe to either curl or wget are listening for HTTPS traffic on 443 rather than some other ...
Daniel Tharp's user avatar
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wget converts fingerprints from ? into %3F

I want to mirror my cms-driven website to create a html-only static version. Local viewing is enabled with the -k option (--convert-links). However, wget converts question marks ? to percent-encoded ...
Kittyfish's user avatar
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wget cannot change filenames when downloading

I'm having a problem downloading a xampp file using wget and choosing to change the filename, but it doesn't work, can anyone help me? this is command: enter image description here I tried a few ...
conchomauvang's user avatar
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Get the latest download link using Curl

I am trying to use curl to download the latest linux link from here: The most recent download link is:
TheSunSmellsTooLoud's user avatar
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Proxmox Wget not working stuck on HTTP request sent, awaiting response... / after connection success

if i try to wget a file on proxmox like downloading a template or inside the host shell, i keep getting HTTP request sent, awaiting response... , for example trying to download the template text for ...
Peter Buffon's user avatar
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Cant call local AWS lambda container with curl/httr2

I have an AWS Lambda container that I want to be able to ping from the terminal or tools such as R's httr2. I tested it with Postman and it works and gives the appropriate response/output, I can see ...
clabornd's user avatar
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Enabling cookies in libwget causes Segmentation Fault

I am trying to learn using libwget on Debian 12. I've installed the package "wget2-dev" which recursively installed "libwget0" package. I wrote a very basic and simple application ...
ukll's user avatar
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Download file in an authenticated state with wget in bash

I'm trying to download the Civit AI model Realities Edge XL Turbo in a shell, but since the author has required the users to be logged in to download it, I am having trouble to use wget inside my ...
Flov's user avatar
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How to download file from yandex drive to google drive directy using google colab?

Let's suppose that I have any archive or file on yandex drive like that: I want to download it directly to my google drive, how could I do it? First idea that ...
Nikita Artemenko's user avatar
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Using python to access opendap gridded data

I am trying to access data from this url: OPeNDAP/DODS Data URL: I have tried using a GNU wget module and also using the ...
Ellie Nelson's user avatar
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MacOS luarocks: "Failed searching Manifest". "wget" returns "Library not loaded /usr/local/opt/libunistring/lib/libunistring.2.dylib"

This is kind of a convoluted issue that people seem to stumble upon in different ways, so here's the context I found myself in, and the different solutions I know worked for others, that should be ...
Maxime Franchot's user avatar
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It is possible to replace curl in Julia Download with wget?

By Default Julia uses curl to download files on Linux: /usr/bin/env julia julia> using Downloads julia>""; verbose=true) It is ...
josegts's user avatar
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Tiny Core Linux: wget: can't execute 'openssl': No such file or directory

In Tiny Core Linux I get this error if I try to download from a https URL: wget -O foo wget: can't execute 'openssl': No such file or directory I tried to install openssl but ...
guettli's user avatar
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wget/curl/scrapy behave differently in aws

I was trying to use scrapy to crawl a website using my own machine (ubuntu or a mac) and a server in aws ec2 instance, I was able to using my own machine but not in aws. And when I use wget or curl to ...
G Wesign's user avatar

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